Working Through The Winter

January 17, 2018 | Julie Luzarraga

Working Through The Winter.
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When the temperatures start to drop low, sometimes we can find our attitudes and emotions also take a plunge. Sometimes when it is -19 degree windchill outside, we just want to curl up in our pajamas and not do anything for the rest of the day. There is something about the cold weather that just makes us want to be counterproductive. And while it may be great to take a break at first, by the end of this chilly day, you’ll realize you are farther behind on work than you were before.

Getting motivated to go to work or just do something around your living quarters can be a challenge everyday, much less when the sky seems to be blowing ice in your face. An option to warm you up before you go to work is coffee or tea. On those really cold days, pack a thermos with your favorite herbal tea or coffee with your favorite creamer. Maybe this little warmth will of course energize you and at least warm your hands on your way to your car.

Take a mid-day break to do a little visualization. Imagine a warm place, maybe your favorite warm vacation spot. Take all of your senses here – image the sun against your skin, the smells, the textures, and anything in your line of sight. An easy place to go is your favorite beach. Take 5 minutes to send yourself there on a little mindful vacation, and you can return back to your day relaxed, warm and ready

On the weekend, it’s harder to get motivated because… it’s the weekend. You might not have work that day, and all any of us want to do is stay home and sleep. But the truth is, most of us probably have other tasks we could complete whether they be around the house or just miscellaneous little personal jobs. To remind yourself of your goals, make a to-do list. Maybe add different colors and write in fancy scripture to make the list of tasks more engaging. Hang it/ put it in a place you will see it in the morning.

The winter weather can occasionally pound our work ethic and determination into the ground. However, don’t let the cold, freezing temperatures get you down. Little tips and tricks can help your motivation stay warm this season.

Begins January 22nd
6:00 PM OIC Main
Gratitude Yoga Package 
15 Classes for $108
ONLY until 1/31.
Stress Relief & Relaxation Workshop 
February 4th 1-3pm
OIC Lakeside
What’s New at OIC?

  • FREE eyebrow or lip wax with any facial service until 1/31.
  • Save BIG on yoga prices with the gratitude package
    • 15 classes for $108 only until 1/31
  • Stress Relief & Relaxation WS on Feb. 4th 1pm OIC Lakeside (spaces limited)
  • Essential Oil of the Month: Balance. Pick up for 10% off at either of our locations.
  • First yoga class is FREE, always!
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