
#OICHolds Quotes

January 06, 2017 | By Julie Luzarraga

As you begin the process of starting the new year with intention setting and creating goals, take a moment to bask in this beautiful moment. You are not just thinking of what you want or simply creating your intentions, you are developing and finding who you TRULY are and ultimately creating your destiny. Your destiny […]


January 04, 2017 | By Julie Luzarraga

#IntentionsB4Resolutions View this email in your browser   We all do it.  Every December, post-holiday indulging, we set goals.  Next year I will lose weight, be less judgmental, fill in the blank.  And we think to ourselves, “somehow, this year will be different.” While goals are important, we have to remember that they are the […]

Mindful Moment: Intentions Before Resolutions

January 02, 2017 | By Julie Luzarraga

We all do it.  Every December, post-holiday indulging, we set goals.  Next year I will lose weight, be less judgmental, fill in the blank.  And we think to ourselves, “somehow, this year will be different.” While goals are important, we have to remember that they are the end result and the most meaningful moment is […]

Quote of The Week #OICHolds

December 30, 2016 | By Juline Mosser

You must learn to master a new way to think before you can master a new way to beAs you prepare to ring in a new year, this quote speaks of the power of our thoughts. Your thoughts determine your quality of life. Living with mindful, optimistic, intentional thoughts generate a zest for life. If […]

Setting Intentions For The Turn of Year

December 29, 2016 | By Julie Luzarraga

YOGA NEWSLETTER YOUR CLASS IS CALLING Classes may change weekly so be sure to stay up to date with the newsletter and our website! CHECK THE SCHEDULE HERE REGISTER FOR A CLASS HERE TELL YOUR FRIENDS Share Tweet Forward Pin NEW STUFF TO CHECK OUT Happy New Year! Forget resolutions – find your intentions! STAY […]

#OICHolds Quotes

December 23, 2016 | By Julie Luzarraga

As we sit upon the eve of the holidays we are most likely finishing up our; gift wrapping, food prepping, and car filling. When the day is over, presents are unwrapped and the food is ate we bask in the air of love and happiness. Instead of thanking that special someone for the amazing gift […]

Happy Winter Solstice

December 22, 2016 | By Julie Luzarraga

Winter Solstice is HERE.  View this email in your browser   As the nights become longer and the days become shorter we find ourselves wrapped in a blanket of darkness. Winter solstice, which falls on December 21st 2016, is the shortest day and longest night of the year. Many fear this length of darkness but […]

Joy and “Skrooginess” – Coping with Holiday Stress (MBSR)

December 20, 2016 | By Dr. Theresa O'Halloran

Ho! HO! Ho! He! He He! Ahhhhhhhhhrgh! Ah, the Holidays! Shopping for just the right gift, kids out of school – excited and antsy, cooking traditional favorites and new dishes for varied guests, hanging lights, decorating and cleaning house, rushing from work to the next activity, memories and new experiences, and time with family and […]

Mindful Moment: Do You Hear What I Hear?

December 18, 2016 | By Julie Luzarraga

How often are we not listening?  It’s easy to ignore the information and gifts our senses pick up because we tend to constantly be on our way to somewhere else.  We miss what is around us in the present moment. The Christmas song “Do You Hear What I Hear?” begins with a message that is carried […]

#OICHolds Quotes

December 16, 2016 | By Julie Luzarraga

The simplicity of this quote speaks volumes to the busy mind. As we get caught up in the ‘hustle and bustle’ of the holiday season we do but the opposite of less. In the midst of being busy and getting everything done just in time we breeze through the days and the weeks, and the […]

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