
Add A Little Love To Your Food

July 13, 2018 | By Isa Luzarraga

During the summer, we most likely have more time than usual to sit down and have a nice meal with the people we love. A meal can be much more meaningful and delicious when cooked homemade. Sometimes taking time to put love and care into our food can make the dining experience much more enjoyable. […]

Happy Hydration

July 05, 2018 | By Isa Luzarraga

With temperatures rising into the blazing 100s, drinking copious amounts of water is becoming more pertinent. Many don’t fully understand the importance of remaining hydrated everyday. Along with preventing heat stroke and overall exhaustion, drinking fluids also performs other important functions. Drinking more water helps your body digest food faster, speeding up your metabolism. After […]

A Stop In Social Media

June 29, 2018 | By Isa Luzarraga

Social media is composed of very intricate and intelligent things. Using it, allows us to connect with others in way that have never existed before. Posting pictures or tweeting can provide us with a sense of enjoyment we’ve never quite felt before, as well as allow us to stay connected with people we don’t get […]

Eating Mindfully

June 22, 2018 | By Isa Luzarraga

Have you ever had the feeling when your stomach is relatively full? But then someone at the dinner table brings out a chocolate cake and you just have to have a slice. And while that sweetness tastes so good going down, the feeling later is less than nirvana. We’ve all been there and sometimes it […]

I Am More Than Enough

June 20, 2018 | By Stevie Jelden

Within the rise of suicide the importance in FINDING self-love and knowing that you are MORE than enough is so pertinent to societal survival. First, find a mindful pause. Little moments of quiet reflection, that are so needed, so relevant and frequently challenging to find. The mindful pause allows us to let go of self-righteousness and […]

Self-Compassion and Chronic Illness: Meeting yourself each morning.

June 11, 2018 | By Aurora Moreno

As both an integrative therapist and health/behavior coach, I often work with folks who live with chronic illness of some kind, whether it is an autoimmune disorder or a mental health diagnosis. One of the most important lessons I seek to share is that our energy is finite, just as a cup can only carry […]

Summer Self Care

June 06, 2018 | By Julie Luzarraga

Summer Self Care View this email in your browser       Self-Care before the crisis What do you think of when you hear the term “self-care”? Do you roll your eyes and think of manicures, chocolate, and fantasies of a month off from work? We tend to confuse self-care with self-indulgence. Or, maybe you […]

Summertime Self-Love

May 31, 2018 | By Isa Luzarraga

As the sunny days get inevitably hotter and longer, our moods and bodies tend to go through somewhat of a transition. With the beautiful weather, most resort to spending more time outside and with others. Whether you’re at the pool or just hanging with a group of friends or family, self consciousness and doubt always […]

I Move At The Perfect Pace

May 24, 2018 | By Stevie Jelden

As we begin our transfer into the next season, and the hottest one, it is important to find your pace. We often spend a lot of time going over how we should move through the day and how others will move through their day. And typically this can create some anxiety or pressure to keep […]

Staying Cool In The Heat

May 11, 2018 | By Isa Luzarraga

The sun has finally awakened from its long winter slumber, and it looks like it has booked a one way ticket to our skies the rest of the spring and summer. As we transition into the summer, the temperatures rise, the tempers may heat up, and our schedules may get full. Even though it is […]

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