
So You Tried Meditating… Let’s Address It.

July 27, 2017 | By Julie Luzarraga

      YOGA NEWSLETTER YOUR CLASS IS CALLING Classes may change weekly so be sure to stay up to date with the newsletter and our website! CHECK THE SCHEDULE HERE REGISTER FOR A CLASS HERE ICE COLD TEA + LEMON Stop in and enjoy an OIC special – Arnold Palmer. Delicious Artemis iced tea […]

A One Of A Kind Nutrition Program

July 18, 2017 | By Julie Luzarraga

OIC’s one of a kind nutrition program.  View this email in your browser As a patient in OIC’s nutrition program, you are treated as an individual with unique needs, and a desire to connect with your healthcare provider. A Registered Dietitian Nutritionist for over seventeen years, Jill has the experience to provide you with proven methods […]

My resilience lies in my heart.

July 13, 2017 | By Julie Luzarraga

As we enter what seems like the heat or peak of the summer we may find ourselves sluggish, tired and hot! This is a great time to activate that inner resilience. Re·sil·ience; the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. Let the weather be a metaphor for all things recovery. Whether you are recovering from […]

I believe in my ability to succeed.

July 06, 2017 | By Julie Luzarraga

A key component of self-love, self-care or self-honesty is your ability to believe in yourself and your success. If you have heard of ‘karma’ or manifesting then you know that whatever you put out into the universe you get back. If you put out negativity on yourself or other than that is what you will […]

Staying Cool, When It’s Heating Up

July 05, 2017 | By Julie Luzarraga

How to stay cool – in the heat of the summer. Happy Summer!  We are well into the heat of summer and embarking upon the hottest part of the year here in the Midwest.  Whether you love the heat or are already wishing for fall, it’s a good time to bring cooling practices into your […]

Letting go of expectations to change your practices.

June 29, 2017 | By Julie Luzarraga

YOGA NEWSLETTER YOUR CLASS IS CALLING Classes may change weekly so be sure to stay up to date with the newsletter and our website! CHECK THE SCHEDULE HERE REGISTER FOR A CLASS HERE ICE COLD TEA + LEMON Stop in and enjoy an OIC special – Arnold Palmer. Delicious Artemis iced tea + lemon essential […]

Kill Your Commute

June 23, 2017 | By Julie Luzarraga

Commuting.  View this email in your browser Whether you are driving, biking, walking or riding – it’s time you kill that commute. Commuting. Sometimes the hardest part of our day, but it doesn’t have to be anymore. Why not make that commute an OPPORTUNITY, for awareness, for breath, for compassion, and for space to self-heal? […]

I am powerful & charismatic

June 22, 2017 | By Julie Luzarraga

Great leaders realize their own potential, they realize the qualities that makes them good leaders, and they realize their powerful impact they make in the world {big or small}. Leaders aren’t always “natural born leaders”, some may find themselves ‘accidentally’ becoming a leader or organically becoming one. Some of the best leaders are just thrown […]

I am whole {enough}.

June 15, 2017 | By Julie Luzarraga

This short and simple affirmation will fire up your week. When you say this phrase aloud what arises? Are there any specific feelings you have, any memories? Let them arise. However, be mindful in not emotionally attaching to the feelings, memories, or whatever arises here. Take a moment to also realize what it is, specifically, […]

I trust in the timing…

May 31, 2017 | By Julie Luzarraga

Learning to give yourself, your plan, and your lists up into the hands of the universe is a hard task to do. When something we have does not go according to our plan or our list it is easy to be carried away by emotion, due to our expectations. If we learn to lift our […]

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