Posts by

Julie Luzarraga

Spring Fever – Beginning to Welcome Spring

March 01, 2017 | By Julie Luzarraga

Spring Fever – Beginning to Welcome Spring  View this email in your browser   The birds are getting a little chattier, the days are getting longer and every so often there is a whiff of an earthy smell that means spring is around the corner.  Spring is a time of renewal and re-birth.  It’s often […]

Mindful Moment: Pause

February 25, 2017 | By Julie Luzarraga

What would it look like if we all paused for just one breath?  What if you paused before that snarky comment came out of your mouth; before you mindlessly cut someone off in traffic; before you sent that email?  Mindfulness teaches that when we pause we make better and more loving decisions. Our current culture, […]

Healthy Communication Is KEY

February 23, 2017 | By Juline Mosser

Relationship experts will tell you that healthy communication is the key to any relationship.   Your feelings, life experiences, perspectives and internal biases all affect your communication. Learning the process for positive communication is as important as the message you’re trying to convey. Understanding how we communicate affects what we communicate. The first step in successful […]

Finding “The One”

February 23, 2017 | By Juline Mosser

The struggle to find “the one” can be a daunting and exciting journey. With a childhood full of Disney romances and conventional wisdom such as, “When you know, you’ll know” and “it will happen when you least expect it so stop trying so hard.” When it comes to healthy long-term relationship characteristics, it would seem […]

Confronting The Reality of Being Single

February 23, 2017 | By Juline Mosser

Debunking age-old myths and confronting the reality of being single in an age of attachment. Today we live in a time of varying descriptions of relationship statuses ranging from, “ it’s complicated”, “married”, or “a civil union”. This variety allows us the ability to create a plethora of declarations of our own individuality. So why, […]

Mindful Moment: Surrender

February 20, 2017 | By Julie Luzarraga

In many of the practices we embrace at Omaha Integrative Care there is a delicate balance between will and surrender, between change and acceptance.  The complementary therapies show us that by changing our behaviors, the way we think and even the way we eat can have profound impacts on our emotional and physical health. Yet, […]

Mindfully Being In Love

February 14, 2017 | By Julie Luzarraga

  Be Mindful This Valentine’s Day View this email in your browser   Being in love, falling in love, or maybe the stages in between. These are all amazing opportunities to pause, breath and lead with your heart. Being in love can happen quickly or sporadically and send you down a whirlwind spiral. In that […]

Mindful Moment: Spaces between

February 13, 2017 | By Julie Luzarraga

Have you ever noticed that every once in awhile there is a lull in group conversation?  Even though there may be multiple conversations going on and lots of people chattering, it suddenly gets quiet.  Some people call this the 7 minute lull.  It may even feel awkward and usually someone will chuckle and say aloud “there’s the […]

#OICHolds Quote

February 10, 2017 | By Julie Luzarraga

Within the season of love, this quote is appropriate beyond measure. While we may be blinded by the materialism of Valentines Day with flowers, candy, and overly fancy dinners, this quote re-direct and re-grounds us. Before we are able to show love for others we must first find it within ourselves. Oscar Wilde’s quote simplistically […]

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