Happiness is like the biggest muscle in your body, it needs to be worked out to get stronger and more prominent. Did you know in a recent study that only 1/3 of the population would use the word ‘happiness’ to describe themselves? Why only 1/3, why not 100%? It’s our birthright. We deserve to be happy.
When you wake up in the morning you have a decision. A decision to be happy or unhappy, it is as simple as that. Happiness may not fall on us every moment of our days, and sure that is ok, but happiness is a practice that needs attention. Dedicate 2, 5, 20 minutes to being happy everyday. Interweave it within your ride to work, into your meditation practice, your lunch break or even your time playing with your kids. Happiness is like a new puppy, it needs attention but once its all grown up you can leave it out to play. Lastly, happiness plays a prominent role in karma. It is as important, or even more, to give happiness to others to ensure to always routes back around to you.
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